Last year I had the pleasure of using Sphinx for documenting my final year software project at university. The project was primarily java, but also included a number of python utilities and the requirement of documenting the central algorithm clearly. For the benefit of others I thought I would document our experience using it and the configuration we ended up with.
What is Sphinx?
Sphinx is a piece of software designed to generate documents and websites from plain text files. A configuration file is used by Sphinx to interpret the structure and content of the document and to produce the desired output. The primary use case of Sphinx is that of official documentation, with one of the earliest and largest projects using it being the the Python Programming Language.
Sphinx supports output to html using template themes, and to latex/pdf using latex templates. A large array of sphinx plugins are available for easy install from the python package index.
Sphinx has a powerful system for cross referencing documents, external documents, software apis, bibliographies, glossaries, searching and more. This helps to ensure consistency and utility of the documents produced.
Some of the key benefits of using Sphinx I noticed over something like a microsoft word or google docs document:
- Many powerful documentation generation/linking/cross referencing features
- Source code highlighting with many available lexers
- Changes to the documentation are easy to track because they are in plain text, in source control
- Because documentation is in plain text, it is easy to lock the documentation to the software version, and even maintain seperate branches
- HTML website output with a fantastic mobile friendly theme available over at sphinx_rtd_theme
- Latex formatted PDF output
- Conditional output
Markdown vs reStructuredText
There are a number of plain text file formats/standards, but the most popular right now is Markdown. Unfortuneately, while Markdown is extremely simple and easy to learn, it is also a rather loosely defined format, and lacks many useful features.
Many of our team members were already familiar with the Markdown format so I spent a fair amount of time investigating the possibility of using Markdown files as input to Sphinx documentation.
It turns out that while Markdown support is not built in by default for sphinx, only minor changes to the configuration are required to enable support for this document type after installing the recommonmark package.
I recommend creating a "requirements.txt" in the root of your project and using that to install all your packages required with a single "pip install" command. So the following would be added to "requirements.txt":
from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
source_parsers = {'.md': CommonMarkParser}
source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
This is also outlined in the Sphinx documentation about markdown.
Using the recommonmark AutoStructify package, there also exists the possibility of injecting reStructuredText into the Markdown to gain access to some of Sphinx's more advanced features.
A basic config for this to put in your is:
from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify
def setup(app):
Then in your markdown you can do
.. your:: rst
A better overview of the configuration options and features avaialable for AutoStructify is available in the AutoStructify documentation.
The problem was that, while all this worked fine for displaying simple documents, as the documents evolved, I found myself converting more an more of the document into the reStructuredText format to the point where it would have made more sense just to write it in reStructuredText in the first place!
For this reason, I'd recommend only enabling the Markdown format for backwards compatibility to existing documents, and to use reStructuredText for anything new.
javasphinx is a python package which extends Sphinx to enable you to document java projects in Sphinx. While it does include a java domain for sphinx which enables java api documentation to be specified directly in sphinx documents, I found that the most useful feature was that of automatic referencing to existing compiled javadoc html.
The javasphinx-apidoc utility can be used to automatically generate java domain restructured text documents from the javadoc html to be compiled into the sphinx documentation. The problem with this is that:
- it's slow, effectively requiring the documentation to be processed twice
- it looks, and acts foreign to java developer who are used to regular javadoc api documentation.
Thankfully, javasphinx also includes a super useful feature which enables you to quickly link to javadoc pages in your documents using a syntax like this in your reStructuredText:
Before you can reference external javadoc classes like this however you need to define the package context:
.. java:package::
Classes within this package can then be referenced with just the class name, and classes in nested packages within this package can be referenced with their package name prepended:
You can also specify the absolute package/class context to link to classes outside the currently specified java package:
If you want to link to a package page:
The following needs to be added to your to enable this feature:
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
javadoc_url_map = {
'com.your.base.package': ('', 'javadoc'),
For our project we wanted to package the javadoc html with the sphinx generated html. So, firstly I created an empty sphinx document called "index.rst" in it's own folder called "javadoc" as a placeholder so that the menu references would be created by sphinx. This document also contains a single heading "Java API (All Packages)", also for use in the sphinx generated table of contents and links.
Then, an additional bash script was created to be executed after the initial html build and referenced in the makefile:
pushd ../src/My_Java_Project/
./gradlew -info alljavadoc
mkdir -p _build/html/My_Java_Project/javadoc/
cp -r ../src/My_Java_Project/build/docs/javadoc/* _build/html/My_Java_Project/javadoc/
Effectively, this generates the javadoc html using gradle (because our project used gradle), and then copies the documentation into the sphinx html build output folder, replacing the placeholder index.html
In order to get this local linking to work I had to create a fork of the javasphinx project on github, hopefully some of these fixes will eventually be introduced into the mainline when I get the time to submit a proper pull request. You can install the fork using python's pip by adding the following to your "requirements.txt":
PlantUML Integration
We used plantuml extensively for documentation and design diagrams in the project. Having the diagram images generated along with the rest of the sphinx documentation (instead of being static) would be very useful. A package called sphinxcontrib-plantuml is available which allows you to embed plantuml documents within sphinx documents very easily.
Going one step further, we also generated plantuml dependency diagrams of the project to embed in the documentation using planuml-depend. This was done by creating a script which was executed before the sphinx html build. The diagram is also generated such that it only refers to the packages defined by a regex filter.
rem generate and copy over javadoc
cd ../src/Your_Java_Project/
java -jar
-b . -i **/*.java -o ../../documentation/Your_Java_Project/Diagram.puml -dp ^.*com[.]your[.]package.*$
cd ../../documentation
Jupyter Integration
I used Jupyter for protyping one of the algorithms in the project, and wanted to include the notebook in our Sphinx documentation.
This was extremely easy (and very cool) with the nbsphinx package.
A reminder for which parts of the documentation need attention can be injected using the sphinx todo directive.
External Links
Sometimes you might have extensive links to other web pages which follows a pattern, such as issues in our issue tracker. One tool that can help to reduce the verbosity of such links in your Sphinx documents is extlinks.
Conditional Output
One of the requirements for our documentation was that it had two audiences, the university assessors, and the client. There were specific sections of our documentation which was appropriate and relevant to them. Ideally, the documentation could have a switch, enabling a customized build for the client and a customized build for the univeristy which would only contain what was required for each.
This can be done using the Sphinx tags in conjunction with the only directive. Unfortunately this method has no way to exclude documents within a tree. To get around this, the following was done in our
if not tags.has("university"):
exclude_patterns += ['University_Specific_Documents/**']
This excludes entire document trees based on a sphinx tag, the same tag can also be used for the only directive.
While we didn't use any of Sphinx's translation features in our project, the option is available.
Our Experience
Overall, I was very happy with the quality of the documentation produced. Once set up, writing documentation with sphinx can be very productive, and even fun. Team members made use of some of the most useful features available, but not all. I'm not sure whether this was down to lack of training, lack of awareness of the features, difficulty of use or a lack of enthusiasm.
Some key problems/issues were encountered:
- Setup/installation/use in Windows is not pretty, requiring the use the command line, something many windows users, even developers are unfamiliar with and like to avoid. Many of the packages also receive less love on the Windows platform.
- The javasphinx package needs a bit more work to make linking to and integrating locally generated javadoc more convenient.
- javasphinx method referencing to javadoc doesn't work yet
- In this day and age of wikis and google docs, having to install something just to edit documentation seems a bit rustic.
While a vm with everything installed, or a batch script to install all the requirements might help with the deployment problem in a company environment, this still leaves the realm of documentation on a steep learning curve for those unfamliar with version control, and the command line.
It seems like there is room for improvement. One idea I had was a CMS which can perhaps even be integrated with continous integration like Jenkins. The idea goes like this:
- When the user logs in/connects, the CMS checks out the latest git version, and builds it. It then redirects the user to the index page of this freshly built documentation.
- The CMS build of the documentation injects an extra link (next to the "view page source") called "edit".
- The edit page shows the current source code for that page in a text edit dialog.
- The edit page for the document would include a toolbar for inserting common elements and snippets (configurable per project).
- A preview button is available, this triggers a rebuild of the documentation and a redirect to the rebuilt page.
- Various git features like highlight changes, and document history could be integrated.
- A simple form of git conflict resolution would be desireable
- Integration with bitbucket, github, gitlab, gogs, etc pull request system and workflows
- Translation workflow - perhaps integration with transifex, poeditor or a host of other gettext editing websites.
- Commenting (without requiring git commits)
- Pressing the save button takes you to an overview of what has been changed in the project. You can either continue editing or commit the changes.
With all these features, it would still be just a plain old Sphinx project under the covers, with all the power and plugins that it provides.
Have a look at the gogs project and see what they do for editing files.